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 مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو ذهبي
عضو ذهبي

كيف تعرفت علينا : بحث جووجل
عدد الرسائل : 3543
العمر : 34
المزاج : ho fi7 a7sn men keda
السنة : ثانية
القسم : اتصالات
محافظتك : الفيوم
نقاط : 7534
السٌّمعَة : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2008

مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة   مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Emptyالجمعة يناير 16, 2009 4:30 am

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه مجموعة محاضرات من جامعات عالمية مفيدة جدا

ارجوا من أخوتي طلاب الهندسة الالكترونية والكهربائية ان ينتفعوا بهامفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Hi

وارجوكم إن نسيتم ان تردوا على الموضوع فلا تبخلوا علينا ولو بالدعاء .......

تحياتيمفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Hi

هذه هي بعض المحاضرات ولو دخلتم موقع التحميل ..... سوف تجدون الكثير من المفاجات.....

Basic Electrical Technology - (39 Lectures)

1&2 - Basic Electrical Technology
3 - Passive Components
4 - Sources
5 - Krichoff's Law
6 - Modelling of Circuit
7 - Modeling of Circuit Part 2
8 - Analysis Using MatLab
9 - Sinusoidal steady state
10 -Transfer Function and Pole Zero domain
11 - Transfer function & pole zero
12 - The Sinusoid
13 - Phasor Analysis Part 1
14 - Phasor Analysis Part 2
15 - Power Factor
16 - Power ports
17 - Transformer Basics Part 1
18 - Transformer Basic Part 2
19 - Transformer Basics Part 3
20 - The Practical Transformer Part 1
21 - Transformer Part 2
22 - The Practical Transformer Part 3
23 - DC Machines Part 1
24 - DC Machines Part 2
25 - DC Generators Part 1
26 - DC Generators Part 2
27 - DC Motors Part 1
28 - DC Motors Part 2
29 - DC Motor Part 3
30 - Three Phase System Part 1
31 - Three Phase System Part 2
32 - Three Phase System Part 3
33 - Three Phase System Part 4
34 - Three Phase Transformer Part 1
35 - Three Phase Transformer Part 2
36 - Induction Motor Part 1
37 - Induction Motor Part 2
38 - Induction Motor Part 3
39 - Induction Motor Part 4
40 - Synchronous Machine

Basic Electronics and Lab - (40 Lectures)

1 - Introduction to Basic Electronics
2 - Electronic Devices 1
3 - Electronics Devices II Resistor in series and parallel
4 - Some Useful Laws in Basic Electronics
5 - Some Useful Theorems in Basic Electronics
6 - Semi Conductor Diodes
7 - Applications of Diodes
8 - Wave Shaping using Diodes
9 - Zener Diode Characteristics
10 - Transistors
11 - Transistor Biasing - Common EmitterCircuits, Fixed Bias, Collector to base Bias
12 - Transistor Biasing - Emitter Current Bias, Thermal Stability (RC Coupled Amplifier)
13 - Basic Characteristic of an Amplifer - Simple Transister model, Common emitter Amplifier
14 - Hybrid Equivalent Circuit, H-Parameters
15 - Circuit Analysis using H-Parameters
16 - Frequency Response of Amplifiers
17 - Frequency Analysis
18 - Power Amplifiers
19 - Differential Amplifiers Ckt
20 - Integrated Chip
21 - Typical Characteristic of Operation Amplifier
22 - Four Types of Feed Back
23 - Four Types of Feed Back
24 - Mathematical Operations
25 - Mathematical Operations
26 - Mathematical Operations
27 - Characteristics of Operation Amplifier
28 - Characteristics of Operation Amplifier
29 - Characteristics of Operation Amplifier
30 - Inverter/Non-Inverter Circuits
31 - Applications of Op Amps
32 - Non-Linear Op Amp circuits
33 - Applications of Op Amps
34 - Active Diode Circuits
35 - Oscillatiors
36 - Logarthmic and Anti-Logarthmic Amplifer
37 - Filters
38 - Unit Junction Transistor
39 - Silicion Controlled Rectifier
40 - Field Effect Transistor

Circuit Theory - (39 Lectures)

1 - Review of Signals and Systems
2 - Review of Signals and Systems
3 - Network Equations; Initial and Final Conditions
4 - Problem Session1
5 - Step, Impulse and Complete Responses
6 - 2nd Order Circuits:Magnetically Coupled Circuits
7 - Transformer Transform Domain Analysis
8 - Problem Session 2 : Step,Impulse
9 - Network Theorams and Network Functions
10 - Network Functions(Contd.)
11 - Amplitude and Phase of Network Functions
12 - Problem Session 3 : Network Theorems Transform
13 - Poles, Zeros and Network Response
14 - Single Tuned Circuits
15 - Single Tuned Circuits (Contd.)
16 - Double Tuned Circuits
17 - Double Tuned Circuits (Contd.)
18 - Problem Session 4 : Network Functions, Analysis
21 - Two-port Networks (Contd.)
22 - Problem Session 5
23 - Minor - 1
24 - The Hybrid & Transmission Parameters of 2 ports
25 - Problem Session 6: Two - port networks
26 - Two - port Network parameters
27 - Two-port Interconnections
28 - Interconnection of Two-port Networks(Contd.)
29 - Problem Session 7 : Two-port Networks(Contd.)
30 - Scattering Matrix
31 - Scattering Parameters of a Two-port
32 - Problem Session 8 : Two- port Parameters
33 - Solutions of Minor - 2 Problems
34 - Insertion Loss
35 - Example of Insertion Loss and Elements
36 - Elements of Realizability Theory (Contd.)
37 - Positive Real Functions
38 - Testing of Positive Real Functions
39 - Problem Session 9

Digital Circuits and Systems - (40 Lectures)

1 - Introduction To Digital Circuits
2 - Introduction To Digital Circuits
3 - Combinational Logic Basics
4 - Combinational Circuits
5 - Logic Simplification
6 - Karnaugh Maps Amd Implicants
7 - Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps
8 - Karnaugh Map Minimization Using Maxterms
9 - Code Convertors
10 - Parity Generators And Display Decoder
11 - Arithmetic Circuits
12 - Carry Look Ahead Adders
13 - Subtractors
14 - 2’S Complement Subtractor and BCD Adder
15 - Array Multiplier
16 - Introduction to Sequential Circuits
17 - S-R, J-K and D Flip Flops
18 - J-K and T Flip Flops
19 - Triggering Mechanisms of Flip Flops and Counters
20 - Up/ Down Counters
21 - Shift Registers
22 - Application of shift Registers
23 - State Machines
24 - Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits
25 - Design using J-K Flip Flop
26 - Mealy and Moore Circuits
27 - Pattern Detector
28 - MSI and LSI Based Design
29 - Multiplexer Based Design
30 - Encoders and Decoders
31 - Programmable Logic Devices
32 - Design using Programmable Logic Devices
33 - Design using Programmable Logic Devices (contd)
34 - MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits
35 - MSI and LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits (contd)
36 - Design of circuits using MSI sequential blocks
37 - System Design Example
38 - System Design Example (contd)
39 - System Design using the concept of controllers
40 - System Design using the concept of controllers (contd)

Digital Signal Processing - (43 Lectures)

1 - Digital Signal Processing Introduction
2 - Digital Signal Processing Introduction Contd
3 - Digital Systems
4 - Characterization Description,Testing of Digital Syst
5 - LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses,Convolution
6 - Inverse Systems,Stability,FIR & IIR
7 - FIR & IIR; Recursive & Non Recursive
8 - Discrete Time Fourier Transform
9 - Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
10 - DFT (Contd.)
11 - DFT (Contd.) Introduction to Z Transform
12 - Z Transform
13 - Z Transform (Contd.)
14 - Discrete Time Systems in the Frequency Domain
15 - Simple Digital Filters
16 - All Pass Filters,Com.Filters
17 - Linear Phase filters,Complementary Transfer Fn
18 - Compensatary Transfer Functions, (Contd.)
19 - Test for Stability using All Pass Functions
20 - Digital Processing of Continuous Time Signals
21 - Problem Solving Session: FT, DFT,& Z Transforms
22 - Problem Solving Session: FT,DFT, & Z Transforms
23 - Analog Filter Design
24 - Analog Chebyshev LPF Design
25 - Analog Filter Design (Contd.): Transformations
26 - Analog frequency Transformation
27 - Problem Solving Session on Discrete Time System
28 - Digital Filter Structures
29 - IIR Realizations
30 - All Pass Realizations
31 - Lattice Synthesis (Contd.)
32 - FIR Lattice Synthesis
33 - FIR Lattice (Contd.) and Digital Filter Design
34 - IIR Filter Design
35 - IIR Design by Bilinear Transformation
36 - IIR Design Examples
37 - Digital to Digital Frequency Transformation
38 - FIR Design
39 - FIR Digital Filter Design by Windowing
40 - FIR Design by Windowing & Frequency Sampling
41 - Solving Problems on DSP Structures
42 - FIR Design by Frequency Sampling
43 - FIR Design by Frequency Sampling (Contd.)

Wireless Communication - (39 Lectures)

1 - Motivation and Introduction
2 - Types of Wireless communication
3 - The modern wireless Communication Systems
4 - The cellular concept - System Design issues
5 - Cell capacity and reuse
6 - Interference and System capacity
7 - Improving coverage and system capacity
8 - Mobile Radio Propagation
9 - Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
10 - Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
11 - Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
12 - Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
13 - Mobile Radio Propagation Contd
14 - Mobile Radio Propagation II
15 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
16 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
17 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
18 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
19 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
20 - Mobile Radio Propagation II Contd
21 - Modulation Techniques for Mobile Communication
22 - Modulation Techniques for Mobile Communication
23 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
24 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
25 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
26 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
27 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
28 - Modulation Techniques (Contd.)
29 - Equalization and Diversity Techniques
30 - Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
31 - Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
32 - Equalization and Diversity Techniques (Contd.)
33 - Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications
34 - Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
35 - Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
36 - Coding Techniques for Mobile Communications Contd
37 - Wireless Networks
38 - GSM and CDMA
39 - GSM and CDMA Contd

Electromagnetic Fields - (42 Lectures)

1 - Introduction To Vector
2 - Introduction To Vector ( Continued)
3 - Coulomb’s Law
4 - Electric Field
5 - Electro Static Potential
6 - The Gradient
7 - Gauss’s Law
8 - Poisson’s Equation
9 - Energy In The Field
10 - Sample Problems In Electrostatics
11 - Fields In Materials
12 - Fields In Material Bodies
13 - Displacement Vectors
14 - Capacitors
15 - Method Of Images
16 - Poisson’s Equation 2 Dimensions
17 - Field Near Sharp Edges And Points
18 - Magnetic Field 1
19 - Magnetic Field 2
20 - Stokes Theorems
21 - The curl
22 - Field due to current loop
23 - Ampere's law
24 - Examples of Ampere's law
25 - Inductance
26 - Mutual Inductance
27 - Faraday’s law
28 - Magnetic Energy
29 - Magnetic Energy (contd)
30 - Magnetic Energy (contd)
31 - Generalised Ampere’s Law
32 - The Wave Equation
33 - The Wave Equation
34 - Poynting Theorem
35 - Skin Effect
36 - Skin Effect (Continued)
37 - Radiation And Circuits
38 - Phasar Form Of Poynting Theorem
39 - Reflection At Dielectric Boundaries
40 - Reflection At Dielectric Boundaries - Continued
41 - Transmission Lines
42 - Transmission Lines(contd) & Conclusion

Transmission Lines and EM Waves - (42 Lectures)

VLSI Circuits - (55 Lectures)

1 - Introduction to VLSI Design
2 - Combinational Circuit Design
3 - Programmable Logic Devices
4 - Programmable Array Logic
5 - Review of Flip-Flops
6 - Sequential Circuits
7 - Sequential Circuit Design
8 - MSI Implementation of Sequential Circuits
9 - Design of Sequential Circuits using One Hot Controller
10 - Verilog Modeling of Combinational Circuits
11 - Modeling of Verilog Sequential Circuits - Core Statements
12 - Modeling of Verilog Sequential Circuits - Core Statements(Contd)
13 - RTL Coding Guidelines
14 - Coding Organization - Complete Realization
15 - Coding Organization - Complete Realization (Contd)
16 - Writing a Test Bench
17 - System Design using ASM Chart
18 - Example of System Design using ASM Chart
19 - Examples of System Design using Sequential Circuits
20 - Examples of System Design using Sequential Circuits (Contd)
21 - Microprogrammed Design
22 - Microprogrammed Design (Continued)
23 - Design Flow of VLSI Circuits
24 - Simulation of Combinational Circuits
25 - Simulation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits
26 - Analysis of Waveforms using Modelsim
27 - Analysis of Waveforms using Modelsim (Continued)
28 - ModelSim Simulation Tool
29 - Synthesis Tool
30 - Synthesis Tool (Continued)
31 - Synplify Tool - Schematic Circuit Diagram View
32 - Technology View using Synplify Tool
33 - Synopsys Full and Parallel Cases
34 - Xilinx Place & Route Tool
35 - Xilinx Place & Route Tool (Continued)
36 - PCI Arbiter Design using ASM Chart
37 - Design of Memories - ROM
38 - Design of Memories- RAM
39 - Design of External RAM
40 - Design of Arithmetic Circuits
41 - Design of Arithmetic Circuits (Continued)
42 - Design of Arithmetic Circuits (Continued)
43 - System Design Examples
44 - System Design Examples (Continued)
45 - System Design Examples (Continued)
46 - System Design Examples (Continued)
47 - System Design Examples (Continued)
48 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board
49 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
50 - Advanced Features of Xilinx Project Navigator
51 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
52 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
53 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
54 - System Design Examples using FPGA Board (Continued)
55 - Project Design Suggested for FPGA/ASIC Implementations

Solid State Devices - (42 Lectures)
1 - Introduction
2 - Evolution and uniqueness of Semiconductor Technology
3 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration
4 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
5 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
6 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
7 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
8 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
9 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
10 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
11 - Equillibrium and Carrier Concentration (contd)
12 - Carrier Transport
13 - Carrier Transport (contd)
14 - Carrier Transport (contd)
15 - Excess Carriers
16 - Excess Carriers (contd)
17 - Procedure for Device Analysis
18 - Procedure for Device Analysis (contd)
19 - PN Junction
20 - PN Junction (contd)
21 - PN Junction (contd)
22 - PN Junction (contd)
23 - PN Junction (contd)
24 - PN Junction (contd)
25 - PN Junction (contd)
26 - Bipolar Junction Transistor
27 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
28 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
29 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
30 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
31 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
32 - Bipolar Junction Transistor (contd)
33 - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction
34 - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
35 - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
36 - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
37 - Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction (contd)
38 - MOS Field Effect Transistor
39 - MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
40 - MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
41 - MOS Field Effect Transistor (contd)
42 - The Final Lecture - Conclusion window.google_render_ad();
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عضو ذهبي
عضو ذهبي

كيف تعرفت علينا : بحث جووجل
عدد الرسائل : 3543
العمر : 34
المزاج : ho fi7 a7sn men keda
السنة : ثانية
القسم : اتصالات
محافظتك : الفيوم
نقاط : 7534
السٌّمعَة : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/11/2008

مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة   مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Emptyالجمعة يناير 16, 2009 4:30 am

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] (Basic Electrical Technology - (39 Lectures)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 2(Basic Electronics and Lab - (40 Lectures

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 4(Circuit Theory

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 4(Digital Circuits and Systems - (40

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 8(Digital Signal Processing - (43 Lectures)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 4(4Electromagnetic Fields - (42 Lectures)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 7(VLSI Circuits - (55 Lectures

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] 8/Electives(Wireless Communication -
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

كيف تعرفت علينا : بحث جووجل
عدد الرسائل : 5492
العمر : 35
المزاج : بخير الحمد لله
السنة : ثالثة
القسم : اتصالات
محافظتك : الفيوم
خريج : لا
جامعتك : الفيوم
قسم مختلف : -----
بلدي : مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة 110
نقاط : 8430
السٌّمعَة : 16
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/11/2008

مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة   مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Emptyالجمعة يناير 16, 2009 8:24 am

جزاك الله خيرا يا طه على المجهود الرائع ده حبي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة   مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة Emptyالجمعة يناير 16, 2009 9:46 pm

جزاك الله خيرا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مفاجاة كبيرة ..... محاضرات مرئية من جامعات عالمية في مجالات مختلفة
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الهندسة الكهربية :: الهندسة الكهربية

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